Slices of roasted veggie meatloaf with legumes, oatmeal, onions, carrots, herbs, spices, served with green cabbage stoemp
How did meatloaf come about?
Who Invented Meatloaf? A Look at the Origin of the Classic Dish
The first mention of a meatloaf recipe dates back to the first century A.D. in the ancient Roman cookbook Apicius. However, as we still don’t know exactly who authored Apicius, let alone who wrote the specific meatloaf recipe it contains, it’s impossible to determine exactly who invented meatloaf.
Stoemp is pronounced “stoump” (/stump/). It’s a word typical of the Brabant dialect where, as in standard Dutch and Flemish dialects, the digram “oe” is pronounced like the French “ou”. The origin of the name comes from the Flemish, doorgestoempte patatjes, “crushed potatoes”.